Transfers of Appropriations - June 2011
Transfers of Appropriations
Released June 2011 Download the Full Report here We prepared this memorandum in response to a request from the chair of the Finance/Executive Committee to examine whether transfers of appropriation decreased in fiscal year 2011. |
We found:
- While the city charter requires intradepartmental transfers from one line item account to another to be approved by the chair of the Finance/Executive Committee, department head, chief financial officer, and chief operating officer, the city’s practice is to require approval based on the level of spending control adopted in the annual budget ordinance
- Through April of fiscal year 2011, finance has recorded 338 budget-related transactions for intrafund movement of appropriations totaling $47.8 million
- Finance submitted six of the transactions totaling $11.6 million for administration and council review via a TR form; ten other transactions, totaling about $1.4 million, transferred funds across offices but have no associated TR forms
- Communications related to the transfer of appropriations have decreased in the last two fiscal years