Audit Follow Up 2012
The following reports were released during the 2012 calendar year, and are titled by the departments they address:
Department of Information Technology (May 2012):
Department of Finance (June 2012):
Atlanta Police Department (June 2012):
Department of Aviation (August 2012):
Department of Information Technology (May 2012):
- 20 recommendations related to information technology from four audits.
- City staff has implemented three recommendations and partially implemented seven recommendations.
- Two recommendations are no longer relevant.
- We reassigned one recommendation to the Department of Law and consolidated three recommendation into one recommendation, leaving 10 recommendations open for future follow up.
Department of Finance (June 2012):
- Seven recommendations issued to the Department of Finance from five audits.
- The department implemented one recommendation and partially implemented three recommendations.
- We closed four partially implemented recommendations and reassigned one recommendation, leaving two recommendations open for future follow up.
Atlanta Police Department (June 2012):
- Three recommendations issued to the Atlanta Police Department from two audits.
- The department implemented one recommendation and partially implemented one recommendation.
- We closed one recommendation and left one recommendation open for future follow up.
- During the course of our work, we identified ongoing risk with the third recommendation, which we had previously closed, and made a new recommendation to address it.
Department of Aviation (August 2012):
- 16 recommendations issued to the Department of Aviation from four audits.
- The department implemented ten recommendations.
- The remaining six recommendations were no longer relevant.
- We closed all sixteen recommendations.